Ex-ante evaluation of the social, environmental and economic return of production chains: the case of glass
Open Impact collaborated with Assovetro to conduct an ex-ante assessment of the social, environmental and economic return generated by the glass industry in Italy through the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology. The study examined four main dimensions: decarbonization, energy efficiency of the building stock, reuse of packaging, and upgrading of the production structure. Using an intervention model that took into account key variables for each dimension, the study calculated the value generated for each euro invested. This analysis is key to helping the glass industry achieve its environmental and social sustainability goals, in line with the SDGs and the European 2050 targets.
Gabriele Masci, Arianna Brestuglia
May 2022 - January 2023
Ex ante impact evaluation
Methodological approach
The SROI methodology quantified the social, environmental and economic value of investments in the glass industry, including:
increased energy efficiency;
use of green carriers (hydrogen and biomethane);
reduction in CO2 emissions through recycling and reuse;
increased direct and indirect employment.
The SROI of the glass industry in italy according to UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The analysis showed a positive overall return, with an SROI of 2.53. For every euro invested, 2.5 euros of value are generated.
Key outcome areas include:
Environmental: reduction of CO2 emissions through recycling, electrification and energy efficiency of buildings, with an environmental impact of 4.2 billion euros.
Social: increased employment in the glass industry, with more than 20,455 new jobs estimated by 2050.
Economic: savings in raw materials and water resources, with an economic impact of 10.8 billion euros.